Today I was exhibiting at The Bath Racecourse wedding fayre, I have never exhibited at this fayre before so was eager to see what it was like and compare to other fayres I have been at. It was held in a marquee ( a rather lovely marquee ) at the racecourse there were a couple of fashion shows throughout the day.
I have a specific space with a table and my banner along with my laptop playing my promo video ( for more details) I mainly work in front of the table drawing people on with the promise of an unforgettable experience. Its great fun just performing for people in this setting as I think the majority of the time they are not expecting a Magician to be a wedding fayre and so are surprised by my presence. I got a number of contact details form potential clients and met some wonderful people who admired my art form.
Thats all for today but I'm working on some new material so may post a video promoting that.